Hey-o, Kinder. So it's been a relatively busy week, even though Deutsch Kompakt has ended (*sad face*). I've had more time to chill, but most of that has been filled with running around trying to figure out my classes, deal with German university bureaucracy, sign up for sports, furnishing my room, general start of university stuff. However, as per usual, there has still been a fair amount of craziness. With that said, I have two adventures to share.
On Monday, after attempting to sign up for sports and only getting one out of the three that I wanted (it was climbing, though, so I'm stoked; also signing up for anything at this university is like dealing with piranhas or something), Hannah, Lisa, Johanna, Julius, and I met at the train station to trek to IKEA. Now IKEA is in Sindelfingen, which is a 20 minute car ride from Tübingen. We, however, didn't have a car, so we took public transit. This meant one Regional Bahn and two S-Bahns. All in all, it's an hour long journey if you catch the trains right. We managed to not have to wait for any trains on the way there, which was lovely, and we got there around 4.
Now, I had never been to IKEA before. So to me, it was the biggest wonderland/sensory overload I had seen in a long time. When we first got there, we walked straight into the Swedish food section and found the fisk, naturally. :P Then we walked through and just proceeded to grab things like children in a candy store. I ended up with two pillows, pillow cases, a rug, a lamp, candles, and two blankets, and I am quite happy with my purchases. Once we finished shopping, we stopped in the IKEA Restaurant for some Swedish meatballs (and my god, were they delicious). So yeah, that was awesome. You go, Sweden.

The way back was less smooth-sailing. Since it was almost 8, the trains were coming less frequently. We waited 20 minutes for the first one, 30 for the second, and we managed to just miss the Herrenberg to Tübingen train, so that was another 30 minutes, which we spent in a dive bar by the train station. Once we got back, Julius and I met up with the Spaniards and hung out, drinking wine, but called it an early night, because we had to be at the train station at 10:25 for Cannstatter Volksfest round 2. :)
We all arrived at the train station on time, even the Spaniards, with the exception of one. There were 15 of us in all. We got to the fest at 11:30ish, which meant that it looked like a ghost town. I am also fairly confident that we were the only people there under 30 at that point. So many old people. But it was still super fun. We started at the Stuttgarter Hofbräu tent, where we had a few Maßes, and I got spätzle again (and it was awesome). The band playing was hilarious and covered some David Hasselhoff songs. Things got a little crazy once they started playing Sweet Caroline, and our table was one of two in the entire tent that started dancing on the table, but hey, whatever man. After a little while, we decided to go on rides and change tents. We ended up in a rather chill tent, where we had more Maßes and the boys ate more food. At this point, the groups had splintered a little bit, so I was with Theron, Martin, Graham, Johanna, Harry, and Kyle. We ended up meeting up again, so that the people who were going to Berlin could leave early, and the rest of us ended up staying there until the late night. And it was awesome. Being in the tents at night is a huge crazy party, with lots of beer drinking and dancing.

So yeah, that's about it for my past week. However, this weekend (well, tomorrow) I am going hiking! Harvey, Graham, Hannah, Johanna, Kyle, and I are traveling to Oberstdorf in Bayern and staying in a small hostel in the middle of the mountains. It's gonna be great. I'm especially happy about it because this weekend is Peak Weekend for TMC. If I can't be hiking in the White Mountains, then at least I'll be doing some hiking. I'm also really happy because I just splurged and bought a cozy pair of fleece-lined hiking pants from Jack Wolfskin. Yup, so that's about it. Bis später, Kinder.