Hey-o, Kinder. So I guess it hasn't been that long since Oktoberfest, but it seems like a hell of a long time. As a thesis for what has gone on in the past three or four days, it has been the last days of Deutsch Kompakt, which is feels rather liberating, but is also incredibly sad.
Nothing terribly interesting happened on Monday and Tuesday. Except sushi dinner. My class had a "Sushiabendessen" on Tuesday night in a little restaurant in the Derendingen part of Tübingen, which really doesn't feel at all like Tübingen, because of the far walk. But such good sushi, ermagerd. So yeah, that's that.
So Mittwoch: Mittwoch was a really long day. It began with our Abschluss Test (or final test) for Deutsch Kompakt early in the morning. I finished around 11, so I had enough time to run home, make myself so wurst mit curry (different than currywurst) with peppers, zucchini and potatoes, and then walk to Hechingerstraße to catch the 13 bus back into town. The bus left at 1PM for Stuttgart, which meant that we arrived at the Mercedes Benz Museum around 2. We got in there, and had almost two hours to basically just mess around. It was a really nice museum, with lots of cool cars and pictures and other shit. However, after about 2 floors my interest in the cars waned and my interest in listening to the German woman in my audio guide waned even further. So it ended up just with a bunch of kids messing around with the things that kept our interest and waiting to actually go to Stuttgart. I feel kind of bad, because I know that a lot of y'all at home would have appreciated the shit out of going to this museum, but hey, what can you do?
General Mercedes Benz Museum fuckery |
After the museum, the bus took us back into real Stuttgart. Andrea showed us where the Opera house is, so that we could meet up again for the opera at 7PM. (Oh, I neglected to mention that most of us were dressed up rather fancy for this entire thing on account of the opera.) Then we had about 3 hours to just bum around Stuttgart. I went off with the three Swedes on a shopping adventure. David and Emelie needed nicer shoes to wear to the Opera, and we found a pair of nice ones for David at H&M. Emelie was stuck wearing her American flag Converse. But nothing says classy like Converse, amirite? But then it was the best part of the evening: after shoe shopping, we went dirndl shopping. So first: a dirndl is the dress that people most commonly associate with women at Oktoberfest. They were traditionally worn in southern Germany (Bayern and Baden-Württemberg) and are super awesome. Also fun facts about bow-tying on the dirndl. on the right side means married, left is single, back is widowed or a waitress, and in the middle means that you're a virgin. (Because I mean, we're all still in middle school, right?) In any case, I bought one!! Yup, that's right, gang. I am now the proud owner of a dirndl. It cost a butt-ton, but hey, that's what stipend money is for. There will be pictures down a little bit later on this blog post. :)
After the dirndl buying, we ran into a bunch of other Deutsch Kompakt girls on Königstraße, and since we only had a little under an hour to eat, we went to an all you can eat Chinese buffet. And it was awesome. (Also note the really funny mental image of all of us in fancy clothes in a rather sketchy Chinese joint.) We very quickly shoved a lot of food in our mouths, and then went to the Opera House, wherein, I watched the single strangest (albeit the only) opera that I have ever since. It was Rossini's Cenerentola, which is Cinderella. Except is was a modern-day version. Oh and also a critique on capitalism. I didn't really understand it because it was in Italian with German subtitles, but at one point there were a lot of men in suits pretending to be drunk and two drunk flight-attendent looking women with bunny-ears on and a tail. There were clothes flying places and before I knew it a guys pants were off. It was all rather odd.

That randomness lasted for about 3 hours, and we ended up getting back to Tübingen at midnight. Instead of going to bed like sensible humans, however, a group of us went to a hookah bar called Esperanto, where we stayed until almost 2AM. Then we wandered back to the Altstadt. We intended upon going to bars, but instead ended up in El Chico, the Mexican restaurant, where we had burritos, quesadillas, Desparados, and strawberry margaritas. We stayed there until 3AM, when Emelie, Kyle, and I decided to call it a night, because we had a Deutsch Kompakt Frühstück at 10AM.
Then there was the Frühstück. Emelie and I decided to wear our matching dirndls and Harvey, Harry, and Kyle donned their lederhosen. It was quite the lovely site. We went to our classroom and feasted on a traditional German breakfast, which was a lot of bread, jams, meat, and cheese. But they also had cookies and Lebkuchen, which was particularly exciting. We hung around there until noon, and we did have the intention of going to the Stuttgarter Bierfest today, but decided to go tomorrow so that we have more time to do so (which means dirndl round 2!). So now I am just hanging out until our Deutsch Kompakt Asian-themed dinner tonight, which is good. I got a good nap, a very necessary thing given how little I have been sleeping these past few weeks.
Class Photo |
So that's about it for now. The only other things to update about is that today is Tag der Deutschen Einheit (Unity Day). So just about everything is closed. And I met my new Mitbewohnerin today (naturally in my dirndl...I knew I would never meet he/she normally). She's a really nice girl from Stuttgart. I only got to talk to her a little bit because she was just moving in, but yeah, she seems super cool. So yeah, that's about it on my end. I am sure there will be more debauchery with the Stuttgarter Bierfest for me to tell you kids all about. So bis später.
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