To continue our perfect fall day, we decided upon returning to Tübingen that we were going to carve pumpkins, eat pumpkin things and candy, and watch scary movies. It was a wonderful Saturday night. We arrived back in Tübingen around 6:30, when I promptly went to Rewe, found a pumpkin, went home and showered, went to Kaufland to buy pumpkin stew ingredients, and quickly made my way over to Lisa's WG. When I got there, everyone was showering, and the candy was in a bucket (which was awesome). So I started cutting up vegetables for pumpkin stew. Also they don't have canned pumpkin on this continent, so that made things slightly more difficult. But between Louise and myself, we cut up all of the pumpkin and mashed it into a stew kind of thing. Her housemates were particularly nice about letting me take over their kitchen, as well, which is always a good thing. All in all, for my first foray into the world of fall vegetable stew without a recipe, I'd say it turned out pretty well.
After the pumpkin extravaganza and eating LOTS of frozen pizza (yes, in addition to the stew, we ate no fewer than 5 frozen pizzas), we decided to watch a scary movie. Lisa, our scary movie connoisseur decided to have us watch The Conjuring, which is a shitty movie set in the 1970s about a house in Rhode Island haunted by multiple demonic spirits, which a nice family of 7 decided to buy. It was pretty bad, but also ridiculously terrifying. I maybe watched 1/3 of it, and the rest of the time my face was behind my sweatshirt or the duvet cover. The walk home was also mildly terrifying.
So yup, that's about what I got for you. There are sure to be more Halloween-related shenanigans, as the Tufts Kinder are throwing a Halloween party at Marlena's on Thursday for a combination of Deutsch Kompakt Kinder, START Kurs Kinder, and random German folks that we know. It promises to be a regular old riot. So bis später, Kinder.
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