Hey, gang. So this week hasn't been terribly eventful. Even though it's technically the first week of classes, I haven't had any class, because all the professors are like, ehhhhh, I'll start next week. So I have my first class on Tuesday...at 8AM. Woooooo, party on, Wayne. But yeah, this week. Thus far, it's been a lot of chilling with people, chilling in my room, learning Swedish with Babbel. But there have been other things, so I'll do a little week round-up.
First off, I believe that I have decided on my classes. And they are: Geschichte der Internationalen Beziehungen 1945-1990, Zeitgeschichte (1945-1990), Spiegelschrift II (which is creative writing in German), Deutschland/EU in der Internationalen Beziehungen, Economics of Development (hurray for econ in English!), and Form und Gefäß (which is pottery-making, gonna make all the pretty bowls). No Swedish, unfortunately for reasons I shall explain later.
Early in the week, we had Kaffeestunde with Ute, which, as always, was lovely and full of coffee and chocolate. :) The next day, Marlena and I went with Ute to the high school, where we will be leading the English conversation groups. I'm quite excited for that to start. We are going to be leading a little hour-long once-a-week conversation group with kids that are anywhere from 15 to 18 years old. And the sign-up lists had so many names on it. I felt quite popular. :)
Wednesday was a day of a little productivity. I thought that one of my classes started this week. So I woke up super early and showed up just to find only 2 other people in the lecture hall. Hooray for being clueless. Afterwards, I met up with Hannah, Kyle, and Lisa and we went to talk to the Swedish professor, thinking everything would be all hunky-dory. Well, apparently he thinks that it would be really hard for us. Lisa met with him, and he was rather upfront. Yeah, I guess upfront would be the nicest word to describe him. So yeah, no Swedish through the university. But I have been doing Swedish lessons online, which is always fun. And listening to a lot of Swedish music. Dear God. Here's one of the gems which I cannot get out of my head. It's so good. On Wednesday night, a bunch of Deutsch Kompakt Kinder and I went to a student bar under the Wilhelmstraße Mensa, called the Bierkeller to partake in their Bierdiplom challenge, which means drinking 3L of bier over the course of 6 hours. So that was a fun time.
A little chocolate-dispensing factory and truck.
Thursday was also a chill and fun day. After hanging out at home for most of the day, I went with Hannah and Yasmine to the university activities fair thing in the Neue Aula. There were tons of student groups there, and we received a rain forest's worth of paper. There were two things that I was surprised about. While there were groups for just about everything, the amount of music/singing/orchestra-related groups and the amount of Christian groups are shocking. We ended up meeting kids from a group called Unterwegs, and they invited us to their first meeting, get to know you thing that evening at a bar just around the corner from Hannah's apartment. We ended up going to that, eating a lot of food, meeting some Germans, and listening to some live music that those guys were playing. It was really fun, and yeah, hooray for first real German, non-Deutsch Kompakt event! :D
All of the chocolate.
And now yesterday, the Tufts Kinder, Hannah, Johanna, Graham, and myself went with Ute to the Alltagskultur Museum and the Ritter Sport Factory in Waldenbuch. The Alltagskultur museum was fine, but it wasn't a chocolate factory. :) We went and bought so much chocolate it was the greatest and I regret nothing. Then we sat and drank chocolate-y coffee, which was also awesome. However, I am not sure if I can eat chocolate for a few days. We got back, and a little later went up to Fichtenweg for a wonderful Spanisches Abendessen before heading to Kuckuck for their Semesteranfangs Party. Which was super crazy and fun.
Which brings me to today. Today I have been just hanging out at home and being a bum. It's been pretty great. So yup, that's about it on my end. Bis später, Kinder.
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