a german breakfast from the store?!?!
Hi gang. So it's weird, the transition from this being a fun travel blog to me being boring and normal again, isn't it? With that being said, I have continued to go to work at Vivat Lingua and do some stuff for school. Mostly for Tufts as it turns out. My thesis crisis continues in that finding a topic that you shall spend a year of your life researching is super daunting. Woooooo. So enough about that.
This week, I did the whole class thing. Nothing too special going on. I also sat in on English classes for Vivat, which was super fun. However, it's also super weird for me to teach English to adults, but they are very nice and enthusiastic.
Then the fun part came. If you have seen my Facebook lately, you will see that two of my wonderful friends, Jay and Ray, came to visit me in Tübingen, and boy did we have a fun time. I tried to do all the fun and/or delicious Tübingen things that I could think of. This involved: Neckarmüller dinner, Neckarmüller Biergarten, Kalender döner, Porsche factory, hanging out on the church steps, Kicherbse falafel, Schloss Hohenzollern, hanging out in the Alter Botanischer Garten, Tübingen Schloss, and of course, meeting my friends.
So yeah, of all of those things, I guess some of the most interesting was the Porsche Museum. I had never been there before. So we adventured to the northern part of Stuttgart to go to the museum, and it was so much more interesting than the Mercedes-Benz Museum. I mean, the cars are much cooler for one, but also it wasn't as long and tedious as the Mercedes-Benz Museum. So yeah, Jay and Ray nerded out a little bit with that. Afterwards, we walked around Stuttgart and then went home to hang out with my friends at the church steps. Cool.
Then the next day there was the Schloss Hohenzollern, which I already talked about so I'll skip over most of that. We did a tour in German, which I had to translate parts of for them, which was kind of funny. Then we went to a Norwegian barbecue, because yesterday was Norway's constitution day, which celebrates independence from Denmark and Sweden. I guess one of the core parts of the holiday is that you get to eat as much ice cream as you want, which is a tradition that I can get behind.
Then today, the three of us had a german breakfast, the first one I have ever orchestrated, and then chilled with Caroline in Tübingen, but now Ray and Jay are gone and on there way to Budapest and I feel sad. But it was wonderful to have seen them. So that's about it from my end. Stayed tuned. There will be traveling adventures happening very soon. :)
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