Grossmarkt |
We arrived at the town center, and I swore I was in French Gilmore Girls. Everything was so Stars Hallow from the cheesy decorations to the washed up 80s music to the fact that everyone knows each other. So we got our stamps and commenced with the walk, which wasn't exactly scary but instead just a walk that had periodically strange things throughout. For example: there were people dressed up as rabbits playing bongo drums, at another there were a bunch of dressed-up old people eating a fancy meal and singing French (possibly drinking?) songs about a lawyer and a gorilla. So yeah, that was kind of a trip.
We did our second round of birthday cake after that back at Louise's parents' house, an awesomely tasty fruity thing, and shortly thereafter went to sleep to prepare for the 7AM wake-up call.
And so it was, we were awoken at 7AM, in order to go to Chimay, another small town that is famous for its beer brewing. In this case, we were going there to walk. Louise's dad, brother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law's brother, and sister-in-law's brother's girlfriend were running in a race there, and simultaneously the community held a walking fundraiser thing for those of us in not as good of shape. So Louise, her mom, her sister, Lasse, and I walked 10k that morning through the Belgian countryside, which was actually pretty wonderful. It was a balmy 65ºF and the sun was out. I got sunburned even! In March! Afterwards, we met up with the rest of the family to go back to Thuin for a barbecue and our third-round of cake. As with the rest of the weekend, it was very fun and very French, but I think improved more in that weekend than it had in a long time. I actually understood some things! ("Sont ceux les seuls mots que vous connaissez?"–are those the only words you know?–Louise's dad's question after we started singing Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit; my response "Oui" with a laugh. Proudest moment of the weekend.)
After eating way too much food, the Bonnave family (minus Louise's older brother and the Spanish gaggle) piled into the minivan with us to take us to a brewery a little outside of the city of Thuin. The entire cathedral and monastery where it was originally brewed is in ruins, but the brewery remains a-brewin'. We then headed back for Brussels to drop off the three of us and Louise's younger brother back at their universities. We chatted with Lisa over Google+ after we got home and ate some of the food that Louise's mom had sent with us. Then we packed it in early and went to bed because Louise had an ungodly early class the next morning.
The next morning Louise left her keys with Lasse and I so we could go exploring. We went out around 11 and just walked around. It was a beautiful day, verging on being called hot. It was at least 65ºF, all the signs read 20ºC; so nutty. We ended up doing a large circle around Brussels, starting at Louise's, going through the financial district, cutting up to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and slowly making our way back to the Senne River to drink some beer. We continued the walk after that, ending up close to Louise's apartment and by the stock exchange. By that point, we figured we had walked our required 10k for the day and decided to take a break at Louise's apartment. After 3 some-odd episodes of South Park, we went back out, this time in pursuit if two things waffles and finding the EU parliament. The waffles were first because the 1€ waffle place was on the way. I got one with strawberries and chocolate, and life was awesome. Then, we wandered around looking for the parliament for a while, got horribly lost, asked for directions, took the underground, and ended up at a very disappointing modern-looking office building in the shape of an X. After that, we wandered a little ways up the street to what Lasse and I called the belgian Brandenburger Tor, as it looked a hell of a lot like the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, and then made our way back to Louise's.
We skyped with Team Boring (Lisa, Anna, Hannah, and Lucia) after getting home, and then decided to have a chill evening, got Vietnamese food, and watched the third Hangover movie, which was a significant improvement from the second.
The next day was typical, leaving-day stuff. We woke up, cleaned, and packed while Louise was in class. Lasse and I also went to buy postcards. When Louise came back, we wrote on the postcards and then went to get one last round of Belgian fries. Nomz. (Yup, Pookie and Dobby, all I do is eat.) After the deliciousness, Louise and Lasse accompanied me to the train station for my 14:50 train to Amsterdam.
And that, my friends, is my time in Belgium. Stay tuned to hear about fun times in Amsterdam.
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