Hey gang. So there's going to be a lot of traveling in the next month or so. For sure, I have Leipzig, Jena, and Weimar next week, Sweden the weekend after, and London for Christmas. Which very well means that I could be spending more days outside of Tübingen than in it in the next month. Which is kind of a weird thing to think about.
But to start with my week: my brain has not been functioning this week really at all. Monday was a tired blur of meetings with tutors (entirely in German, t'was a struggle bus) and then zumba, which was also a struggle bus. But since then I have slowly been recovering from the lack of sleep last weekend.
Es schneit! |
On Wednesday, I only had one real class, because my afternoon poli sci class was cancelled. So after 10AM history, I went home and napped for more than 2 hours. It was awesome. I then made dinner with the few things that I have in my apartment (package soup and potatoes...the lack of food is getting pretty bad) and went to art class, where I continued working on my rather mediocre-looking drum. The rest of the night I spent attempting to do homework, but actually watching Legend of Korra and drinking tea instead.

So yup, that's about it for the week's round-up. In other news, it's 2 WEEKS UNTIL SWEDEN! Super excited! Also as far as the rest of this week, on Saturday, the Tufts Kinder and I are heading to a Besenwirtschaft (a restaurant run out of someone's house, usually on a farm or the like), which should be pretty cool and then going to Deckenpfronn, a small town northwest of Tübingen to celebrate Elizabeth's birthday. Which I guess brings us up to Leipzig, Jena, und Weimar and the next great adventure. So, with that, bis später, Kinder.
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