Flohmarkt |
Today was a day of success. After a late night of church step-sitting, hanging out, and pizza eating, I woke up at 10:30, and at noon, Julius and I went to the Flohmarkt at Festplatz on the outskirts of town by the climbing wall. It was like a garage sale on steroids. Germans from all over brought their hippie vans and useless shit, and it was lovely. I bought Rumours on vinyl for 1€ (so much win!!), and I am the most excited about it. It's sitting above my bed. I also bought and ate a really delicious peach, which was the size of my fist. That was awesome. Similarly, I found many creepy things like Popo down there: sorry family, I didn't buy him. He was too creepy. And finally, we ate currywurst, my first currywurst since I came back to Germany. It was pretty good, but since it was schwäbische currywurst it was a different kind of sausage and therefore not as good as the berliner currywurst.
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It's Popo. |
After that we decided it was way to goddamned hot and walked back towards the Altstadt. We walked to Froschgasse to talk to Theron and then ended up having a bier in the Neckarmüller biergarten for an hour, before parting ways to prepare for the illustrious bonfire on the outskirts of the Französische Viertel. Brief thing about the Französische Viertel. Most of what goes on in Tübingen happens in the Altstadt, where Theron lives. That's where the St. Johannes Kirche, the Neckarmüller, the Alter Botanische Garten, and most of our classes are. I live in the Südstadt which is roughly a 15 to 20 minute walk away and is largely a residential student area. Then there's the Französische Viertel, which is a 15 minute walk away from my place and thus at least 35 minutes away from the Altstadt. It was where the French were quartered post WWII and the buildings look super duper cool and French. Also the street names are called things like Provence Weg or Aix Straße, which is hilarious. In any case, it is on the outskirts of town and thus only a five minute walk from the naturez. Also a bunch of hippies have a little commune thing there, which is cool too. Oh and there are still unexploded French landmines around the forrest. Cool.
So in any case, Theron, Julius, and I started schlepping over there at 6, and I mean schlepping because of all the food and fire starters (ie old newspapers) we had. So we schlepped until we liberated a shopping cart from Kaufland. The Germans gave us dirty looks. We got there and then had to push the very heavy cart up a steep hill, and by we I mean Julius. He got quite the work out. The thing was filled with food, wood, bier, 2 guitars, and a bunch of newspapers. We got there eventually, only to find that some assholes had never heard of leave no trance and left plastic cups, liquor bottles, juice and cigarette cartons. Oh and a butt plug. They left a butt plug too. That was weird. But in any case, we picked up everything and then re-sorted in it German fashion (plastic in the 'gelber sack', glass separate, alter papiers, und restmüll) and made our campsite. After I had started preparing food to be feasted and the boys found firewood--and not set off any landmines--and made the fire, clouds rolled in, and Thor decided that we would not be having a campfire today. We went inside after seeing 2 or 3 lightening strikes.
Sometimes nature gives you butt plugs. |
We went back to Marlena's apartment on Provence Weg, which was super cool and swanky, with a slight sixties vibe. We made our bratwurst, onions, peppers and zucchini creation on the stove and put some bacon in the oven, but not first without dancing to the single most awesome and ridiculous song ever. It is a song that everyone must know. Afterwards, we cracked open the biers and Theron and Julius played some guitar. Anita and Franci, the two German girls, also came over with their friend, Tobias. We all sang along to Wagon Wheel, Home (it made me miss the Loj), Sweet Home Alabama, and all sorts of other stuff. It was a night of Deutsch und Englisch, guitars, and food. It was lovely.
So yeah, first off, you're welcome for that lovely video, and second, I guess, that's about it. And now it is for real that I say peace out for a while, kiddoz.
Alles hat ein Ende. Die Wurst hat zwei. |
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