“What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? It's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” -Jack Kerouac
Well, it's not yet a goodbye, but yesterday marked the two week mark until I leave on my German adventure and it seemed like a good time to start this lovely little blog. Currently, I am a mess of saying goodbye to my friends (although Simon informs me it's only a 'smell you later'), finishing up my internship, and packing up my room at my house to ship it back to Wisconsin. (I'm hoping to keep it down to 6 boxes...we'll see how it goes.)
It has been quite weird saying goodbye to everyone. Since living in Germany doesn't even seem close to real yet, I'm stuck in the sad stage of this entire thing. The only thing that is real is leaving my friends. However, I am still beyond excited for Tübingen.
But enough about that nonsense, more about Deutschland. So this is my first real foray into Germany. Although I was in Berlin, Neuruppin, and Dresden for a few days (four if I am remembering correctly) during my senior year of high school, this will be my first time in Germany (and mainland Europe as well) that I am 1) not led around by a tour guide and my high school teachers 2) sort of on my own 3) going to be in a much less metropolitan area in Baden-Würrtemberg and 4) there for a full year--what?! The entire thing is nuts in the most awesome way. I have more places that I want to visit than I have time for (as documented by the map below, and there will probably be more places added onto that in the near future) and crazy, heretofore unknown adventures to have.
Note: Reykjavik is also on here, but it was kind of awkward to fit. |
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