So disclaimer: I had intended upon writing this post in Tübingen, but then my Hausmeister locked me out of my room which meant no internet and thereby no blog post. So now you have a goodbye Tübingen post from Gjerdrum, Norway (but more on traveling to Norway adventures later–and trust me, it has been an adventure).
I guess I shall start with the biggest things. I went to Christoph Street Day (the German equivalent of Pride) on Saturday with two of my Vivat Lingua coworkers, Yasmine and a friend of one of my coworkers, which was super fun. Fun fact: German political parties hand out (throw out, really) condoms at CSD. I have a condom from the SPD and another from the FPD. We also went to a good and decently priced Mexican place. It was the greatest thing ever. Then on Sunday, Vivat Lingua English Team took an 18km bike ride to Mössingen to go and have proper English tea at a coworkers home/see the rake museum that she has in her basement. Weird, I know. But also awesome. My English coworkers had some fun joking about culturing the Americans. We then went and played Pit Pat, which is a combination of pool and mini golf, and drank beer. Then Sunday night ended with all you can eat sushi with Laura, Hannah, and Gonzalo.

But then there was saying goodbye to all of my friends. It's weird to think that I won't see all of these guys in the near future. To spare everyone, I won't go into all the sappy shit, because it's just sad. But suffice to say I am going to miss all of my friends in Tübingen both German and international alike.
I don't think the full gravity of the situation has hit yet, however. Since I am just in Norway, it kind of feels like I am going to just go back to Tübingen like always. I think the flight back to Boston next Thursday is going to be a rather emotional experience, because that is when everything will truly end.
But for the next week, I get to regale you all with stories from Norway. Y'all should really look forward to that. There has already been a serious amount of ridiculousness. Get excited.
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Doing American stuff |